MelBet (CPA)

The MELbet bookmaker is the best sports events broadcast live, these are several types of lotteries and various TV games.

ID: 697
MelBet (CPA)

Map where "MelBet (CPA)" is active

Countries where MelBet (CPA) is active

Sri Lanka  - LK Uzbekistan  - UZ Malaysia  - MY Burkina Faso  - BF Burundi  - BI Togo  - TG Colombia  - CO Tunisia  - TN Mongolia  - MN Ukraine  - UA Kenya  - KE Benin  - BJ Somalia  - SO Turkey  - TR Mali  - ML Peru  - PE Egypt  - EG Argentina  - AR Bangladesh  - BD Bulgaria  - BG Philippines  - PH Nepal  - NP Congo - Brazzaville  - CG Congo - Kinshasa  - CD Tajikistan  - TJ Ecuador  - EC Venezuela  - VE Cameroon  - CM South Korea  - KR United Arab Emirates  - AE Senegal  - SN Vietnam  - VN Kazakhstan  - KZ India  - IN Singapore  - SG Saudi Arabia  - SA Azerbaijan  - AZ Ghana  - GH Mozambique  - MZ Zambia  - ZM Kyrgyzstan  - KG Morocco  - MA Côte d’Ivoire  - CI Mexico  - MX Pakistan  - PK Indonesia  - ID Chile  - CL Russia  - RU Tanzania  - TZ Iran  - IR Guinea  - GN Iraq  - IQ Nigeria  - NG Sierra Leone  - SL Jordan  - JO Thailand  - TH

Table MelBet (CPA)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active BL1$ (EG) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 20.0 USD
2 Active BL 3$ (RU) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 32.0 USD
3 Active BL 1$ (CL) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 12.0 USD
4 Active First deposit (UZ) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 16.0 USD
5 Active BL 10$ (KR) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 144.0 USD
6 Active BL 3$ (IN) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 32.0 USD
7 Active BL 10$ (SG) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 120.0 USD
8 Active First deposit (IR) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 32.0 USD
9 Active BL 1$ (VE) - FB (Android) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 12.0 USD
10 Active First deposit (MY) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 40.0 USD
11 Active Registration MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0
12 Active BL 3$ (TN) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 44.0 USD
13 Active FTD (AZ) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 40.0 USD
14 Active BL 1$ (TH) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 20.0 USD
15 Active BL 3$ (MN) MelBet Gambling / Lotteries CPA 36.0 USD

Description MelBet (CPA)

The MELbet Bookmaker is the best sports events broadcast live, these are several types of lotteries and various TV games. MELbet Betting Company is developing rapidly and confidently in the betting market.


  • Curacao.

Details and Benefits:

  • More than 200 LIVE events daily.
  • 1000 sports matches per Line.
  • Round-the-clock support service.
  • You can top up your account in cash at the MELbet betting shops or use electronic payment methods. 
  • The MELbet betting company provides a large number of additional bets on a specific event in many sports: the course of the game, which team will score the first goal, wins in between, bets on statistics (yellow and red cards, fouls, etc.).
  • In individual sports such as cycling, golf, athletics, skiing, etc., in addition to betting on victory, there are always bets on comparing two athletes and ranking in a competition.

Rules MelBet (CPA)

Information about minimum deposits, conversion, test volume and localization is contained in the table for link. (pay attention to the additional sheets)

To get started, you need to agree on the source and request a link.

KPI: Multiaccounts and inactive players without bets are not paid. Hold for 14 days The number of depots must be at least 30% of the number of the first depots in the first 2 weeks. If less than 10%, then we assume and wait for the profitability. 

The best traffic sources: PPC, ASO, SEO.

Number of registration fields: 

-phone reg - 4 fields;

-email reg - 10 fields;

-social. networks - 3 fields;

-1 click - 3 fields.

The postback is sent once an hour. 

The postback comes after passing BL + for another bet amount of $ 1, since players without bets are not paid, this also needs to be taken into account.

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